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Answering : Aisha’s Missing Prayer

Jami At-Tirmidhi 2982–Abu Yunus, the freed slave of Aishah, said: “Aisha ordered me to write a Mushaf for her, and she said: ‘When you get to this Ayah then tell me: Guard strictly (the five obligatory) prayers, and the middle Salat.’ So when I reached it, I told her and she dictated to me: ‘Guard strictly (the five obligatory) prayers, and the middle Salat, and Salat Al-Asr. And stand before Allah with obedience.’ She said: ‘I heard that from the Messenger of Allah.'”


It is not the part of verse but it was the elaboration by Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.w. that Salatil wusta is the Prayer of Asr.

Read the following hadees.

Narrated Samurah bin Jundab:
“The Prophet of Allah (ﷺ) said: ‘The middle Salat is Salat Al-‘Asr.'”(Tirmizi)


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